Time portal to the past, me, my bro, and my sis. I think it was the family calender photo for a year.
Perhaps this is the best place to introduce my family... let's start with the front left, we'll follow up and then around, ok?
First we have my Uncle Ralph, then Aunt Elsa, Uncle George and cousin Georgie, Aunt Lin, Uncle Mike, (Uncle John is hidden), then we have my dad, Carl, my brother, Carl, Me at the head of the table, my cousin Katrina, my sister Michelle, my cousin Meaghan, Aunt Diana, my cousin Tracy is holding Skyler, then Kassidy, and my cousin Doug. Our good friend Brian is the one who took the picture, Thanks Brian! And thanks everyone for making my graduation not just a celebration, but also a party!!
This would be my sister wrestling with our cousin Travis, with Kassidy in the background, my brother's leg having a moment and Skyler's leg too.