Ramblings of an Insane Lunatic

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I am me, since no one else is. I am sci-fi. I am a graduate with a B.S. in zoology.  I am a friend.  I am a daughter.  I am a sister.  I am a crazy lunatic.  I am an alien from some unknown planet.  I am smart.  I am attractive.  I am multi-talented.  I am a sexy b!+*&.  I am a fan of life.  I am a fan of fun.  I am always up for a friendly chat.



This is my cat, Lily.  I had to share her on my first page cuz I will always love her.   RIP 1986-2004

<< This is Dusty, the rabbit you may or may not have heard me talk about.  She's a joy, she's a pain, and she's in the equivalent of teenage years.  May the gods help me.

>>This here is the Original "I Mock You With My Monkey Pants" Monkey.  I made it for the wonderful Candy of the Succubus Club With Kitty, Candy, and Ethan.  Sadly, the show will be no more, but the monkey will live on.


Wanna see me?  Go here

Wanna see more?  Check out my Pictures.


Lay down and take it like a clone! - as written by Indigo

You stop whining like a sissy and take it like a Brunnen G! as said by Hacker, as written by Tommen

You don't have to do that, I'm the Raging Boy! - Hugo Short - Seriously Weird "When Harris Met The Hole"

Nice to taste you again! - Myoga - Inu Yasha

 "Let's do the thing." - Captain Mal Reynolds - Firefly "The Train Job" 

...you died."

"Seemed like the thing to do." - Captain Mal Reynolds - Firefly "War Stories"

My very first official SO (and even some RSO!) list inluding but not limited to such wonderfuls including 1cham, Amarra (my new daughterlet), AngelLover24-7, Aramina, atter, AussieBullDog, BritSlayer, bruinbuffygirl, CarpeDi, Comteacher, darcie (my wonderful minion), Dachelle (Full of wit is her gloriousness!), DowntownApartments, dualslayers, eirefaerie (Amazing is her non-lethal stalking ability!) , ektagraph, elreyn24, Frodo (candle lit for you), genrefan, halfrek, Hollyn, Jaan Quidam (the uber of cool), Jamboski, jessanne, Jocasta, KAM, Kansas, Kessie, Kronos, LaTimide, Leather Jacket, Malum_Forma, Mar, MarsGirl, melusine, Morella, Mr. Holtz, Nikka' (my coz), Noetic Concordance, Oblivia, Octoquad, Ojagwers, Old One, quoninator, Raithen, redwitch, roja, S2K, seniorslayer, Spikmeister, Squirrel, Stitch, The Host, TheStageyStage, tiggy3323 (sister in long postage abilities), tralfamadore2001, Undead, Urbanite, Watcher's Pet, Zeus, zoni, and I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting.

VIP SO to: Velvet Chain and Erika Amato, Darling Violetta Both groups are frelling unbelievable!!

Check it out! A friend of mine is published!! The Imperium Saga You have to look, I promised him I'd help pimp. = P

Find your vampire name!
This would be me:
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Sultana of The Great Oceans
Known in some parts of the world as: Devil of The Crows
The Great Archives Record: Intelligent, knowing, wise and shrewd. This winged one was cast from the firmament.

The Crazy Virgo TBPA #381, SciFi Fanatic, Animal Lover, JBrandis follower, JMarsters marveler, DBoreanaz drooler, VV vavavavoomer, MMcManus melter, VDiesel dreamer, Slayer Wannabe, Lexx Crusader, Farscape Fighter, Constant Pretender, General Obsessor, Regular Lunatic ICQ # 16044670

"The devil is in the details," - Dr. Smith, my college physics professor
"...the roll your own approach," - Dr. Ringo, my college biology of behavior professor
"I laugh at the penis monster!" - Me, re: Double Meat Palace
"I like big things." - Me, sheepishly, to a guy I like. *
"Pain. That's what hurts." - my brother

Time begins
and then time ends
and then time begins once again
It has happened before and it soon will happen again - Time Prophet, Musical Lexx "Brigadoom"

Through dangers untold and hardships un-numbered,
I have fought my way here to the castle,
beyond the Goblin City,
to take back the child which you have stolen.
And my will is as strong as yours
And my kingdom is as great

You have no power over me - Sarah, The Labyrinth

KAM's Fan AND sidekick!

Keeper of Jamboski's Battered Heart 

Minion of Dachelle, for her excellent wit in writing

Stalker type minion to eirefaerie, cuz every stalker needs a stalker of their very own - "...you're the bestest minion of all minions. You're the uber-minion (although you're not all gross like the UV)." - the highest of praise from she who the earth rotates around!

Mr. Holtz's Groupies aka Holtz's Hunnies! - cuz he's a great guy, who can sing, and play music!
Fantasma - #1 - Founder and Presiding Member
Darcie - #2 - groupie/girlfriend extraordinaire
Amarra - #3 - Cosmically Connected Snackfood hogging Sharing Obsessive Texting Bronze Babe
redwitch - #4 - She who is somewhat shorter than he
_Star_ - #5 - cool title TBA

Now accepting applications - only requirement is that you think Mr. Holtz rocks!

Fostering Fifths: Griffelkin, Grizzelda, Grizzabella, and Little Charmer... I think that's it... must check the Fifth center

Last of the Nice Guys #5 | Fury Fanatic # 314 - No! I am not some secret plot device used by the Initiative! |Devoted to Drew #70 | DeKnight's Riders #164 | Petriette #8 (best when said with a French accent = ) ) | Insane for Kane #174 | Xander dance club #583 | GLTH #125 | Going Through The Motions #107 | Ghost at the Bronze Menagerie | GLR #823 | Buffy Apes #5 | North American Amberholic |Joss is a Hottie #179 | Scene stealers #20 | QA #4 - Public Relations Manager | Bandgeek #5 | Bronze Snitches #26 | The Evil 300 #21 | Unofficial S2K Fan Club member #37 | Bronze Well Wisher #3 | ABC #7 | Different Folk #31 | LWT #67 | DMBBC #24, Mistress of Fantasy | Miss KittyFantastico Appreciation Society | MKFftnBB #53 | Don't Kill Spike #294 | Gershman's Groupies #10 | SNS, SNS, SNS #7 Cuz Spoilers are EVIL!!! | Faith Dance CLub #413 | Alexis Denisof Devotees #256 | WPWP | GLA #4, TLC | PDFC # 75? | TNT | Hallet is a Hottie #109 | Minearketeers #513 | Quote Quarter #121 |Ultimate Drew's Minions #10 | Bronzers Who Dig Dangermouse, Special Agent 007 | The Beta Chocoholics Society #24 | Seventh Member of the Sunnydale Medical Association - Counter of Chemicals, Constantly Catalystic in Confusing Chemical Conundrums (#7 Cs) | 23rd victim person to be Amazed with Mere | 12th to have issues | Orphan with Nikka' at the Bronzer's Orphanage Society

Don't I have more to add down here?

Man, when did this thing get so big freakin huge? 


This page was created on June 7, 2000, moved to Tripod in July 2001 and is updated as often as I think about it.  Where ever I have used work that is not my own I try to give credit where credit is due. 


Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is entirely on purpose since it's people I really know (unless otherwise stated).


Any work found to be familiar, as in found elsewhere, without proper credit is entirely unintended.  Please notify me and I will correct it. 


Okay, the disclaimer stuff is out of the way by now, I think.  Please don't sue me, I'm not worth it.


And now I'm just babbling.  I will stop now.  


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[I am Galadriel!]
I am Galadriel, Queen of Lothlorien. I was given Nenya, the Ring of Adamant, but I remained untouched by the Shadow. I gave shelter, gifts and advice to the Fellowship, but I turned green while they were around. My bad. In the movie, I'm played by Cate Blanchett.
|| Which Lord of the Rings Elf are you? @ Xirculo.com ||

Hobbiton. You are bright, beautiful, and friendly.

What LOTR City Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are

Willow Rosenberg

"I don't get wild. Wild on me equals spaz."

What Character are you?


You are DAVIS. You may be a socially challenged
workaholic and geek but with your heart in the
right place, a belief in order in the universe
and a firm need to do the right thing.

Which TRU CALLING character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla  

Where do YOU belong?

You scored as Kaylee (Kaywinnet Lee) Frye. The Mechanic. You are a natural mechanic, and you are far too sweet and cheerful to live out here. How you can see the good in everyone around you boggles the mind occasionally. Still you don't seem to be any crazier than that, and it is a nice kinda crazy.

Kaylee (Kaywinnet Lee) Frye


River Tam


Simon Tam


Capt. Mal Reynolds


The Operative


Zoe Alleyne Washburne


Hoban 'Wash' Washburne


Shepherd Derrial Book


Inara Serra


Jayne Cobb


Which Serenity character are you?
created with QuizFarm.com